Root Canal Treatment in Papua New Guinea
Endodontic Services at Mills Dental Care
Endodontics (from the Greek endo “inside” and odons “tooth”) is the treatment of problems associated with the tissues surrounding the root of a tooth. Teeth are attached firmly to the jaws by their roots. Front teeth normally have one root, while the back teeth have more roots. At Mills Dental Care, we offer comprehensive root canal therapy right here in our Port Moresby clinic.
What Is a Root Canal?

We will assess your toothache and determine what treatment may be required.
The core of each tooth contains a soft mass of tissue called the pulp. In a healthy tooth, the pulp contains nerves, arterioles, venules, lymphatic tissue and fibrous tissue extending into the root(s) through the root canal(s).
Decay and injury can destroy the living pulp. There is a lack of adequate blood supply in a dead pulp and as a result, it becomes more prone to infection, leading to abscess and toothache. When the pulp becomes diseased or injured, endodontic treatment is essential to save the tooth.
Root canals are one of the most common procedures in endodontics. Root canal treatment (also known as root filling) involves removing the damaged or dead pulp and filling the resultant space left. The remaining tooth will then be repaired.
A local anaesthetic is given and an opening is made through the top of the tooth down to the pulp. The dead pulp is then removed from the core of the tooth and root canals by means of narrow files. The cavity remaining on the top of the tooth is then filled and if necessary, a crown is placed on top of the tooth.
Alternatives to Treatment
If there is persistent inflammation of the root, it can be cured by performing a procedure called apicectomy. Apicectomy is a surgery that is carried out to remove part of the affected root, clean the area and put in a filling.
If root canal treatment and filling are not done, the affected tooth might have to be eventually removed. The infection might also spread beyond the tooth itself. Root canal treatments and fillings last for several years. If infection recurs, however, retreatment can be done.
If you’re experiencing tooth pain or an abscess, contact Mills Dental Care for 24-hour emergency care.